You can also make this weapon much more powerful if you keep using it, but to first get it you’ll need to complete The Whispering Door quest. It deals a base 20 points of damage, but the damage can go up to 50 if it’s well fed with dreams. Genshin Impact: Which Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Top 15 daedric artifacts scattered across Skyrim 1) The Black Star. Across the Elder Scrolls series, these artifacts were always sought after as some of the best equipment you can find in the game world, with powerful effects to … The problem is that a soul gem will disappear once used, whether that's for enchanting a blade with fire or for using it as fuel for the enchantment. In any case, Daedric artifacts are not always difficult to obtain. It’s a neat effect, I have no idea how it works but it does. It's a two-handed axe that's special ability is to do 20 points of stamina damage.